After completing the 3-day advanced training, The Art of Imago Supervision, participants have the option to continue further to become Certified Imago Supervisors (CIS).*  During this period of supervision (typically over the course of six months) the consultant will practice the supervision skills learned in the 3-day class and supervise individuals, groups, and assist a clinical instructor at the Imago Clinical training.

Who can use the titles of Certified Imago Supervisor (CIS) or Certified Imago Consultant (CIC)?

Receive at least 6-hours of supervision

* In some parts of the world the title is Certified Imago Consultant (CIC) and other places chose to use Certified Imago Supervisor (CIS).


  1. Certification allows the CIS or CIC to assist, when invited, the ICT alongside a faculty member. Remuneration would be worked out in discussion with the CI.
  2. Participate in joint sessions with Faculty around ICT tape evaluation.
  3. Offer themselves to Certified Imago Therapists and non-Imago therapists as an Imago Clinical Supervisor.
  4. Offer leadership in their ILO for the betterment of the Imago region and its needs, including advocating for trainees in that region who did not complete certification.
  5. Work alongside Faculty members to develop trainings in their regions.